I'm not an avid RP person (yet? xD), but I have made and participated in a few RP's. I'm here to share some Role Play What-the-Heck's to you, based on my experience :D
So, let's get started!
The stronger the better, right?
WRONG. Well technically it depends. There are just some times when people like to buff their characters with really strong powers and abilities. Such as mind control, gravity bending, high-leveled seduction, unlimited resources (aka power from the sun, etc) and all that. While having such powers is cool, it can also be a huge kill joy. The characters are so powerful that when it comes to battle or problems to solve, everything will be too easy and the drama is ruined.
Maybe you can cure it with stuff like the item-that-repels-this-power or the state where powers are nullified, but if that happens it almost seems kinda useless for that person to even have such a power in the first place. It's also pretty troublesome to think of events that can keep on par with the character's powers; more or less most of the time you'll be running into those "oh man, but this dude can do that so this thing is pretty easy to overcome..."
It's a good idea to give characters "average-leveled" powers rather than giving them ridiculously strong and powerful abilities. After all, it's in the simplicity of a character that makes things more dramatic.
I'm considered rare and special, but the truth is, I'm everywhere.
In other words, overused. No, seriously! How many times have you heard of the girl who dwells in the darkness or the guy who's half this half that?
In most cases, these kinds of people are considered special because, well, they're special. They even sound special. And the people who are half blah and half yadda? Yeah, more often than not we get that a lot.
While there's nothing wrong with being overused, it doesn't hurt to add a touch of originality every now and then. Plus, it's important to watch what breed we give our characters...Half-elf and half-vampire seem too weird, and half-angel half-demon is so bizarre. It depends on what kind of RP you're joining though, but still, keeping things realistic (fantasy-wise if it's a fantasy RP) is best. Though, reality and fantasy are two opposite things of course, but I'm sure you know what I'm implying here.
I'm a boy now, but wait til you see me later!
No, not cross-dressing. I'm sure we've encountered this kind of oddity sometime--multi-gendered characters. Characters who seem to have a side opposite their, err, REAL(?) gender. I've encountered people who make characters that have a female side and a male side, and I'm like, "Dude, what kind of a love interest to you want then?"
I guess it still depends on what kind of RP you're in, but still...Multi-gender? There's just no explanation for it. No matter what kind of story you cook up it will always be impossible!
I'll stand out from the rest of them!
Yea----no. Maybe. Sure, why not? LOL. Being unique is good, but there's a difference to being unique and weird (yes I consider them different).
The most common kind of weird is physical features. While it's good to be unique and everything, monitor your uniqueness otherwise you're gonna end up being an oddity. Well, I guess it depends on the person too...How well s/he can use or handle these kinds of characters.
Aaaand so that's all I can name for now xD in case you've forgotten, these are only RP What-the-Heck's and not problems. However, they CAN be considered problems depending on the rules or storyline of an RP.
So that's all I gotta say. I'm no expert, I've little experience in fact, but I just thought I'd shout out what I thought.
Cheers! :D
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