
Bolts and Screws

I really really dislike people who think they're right in everything and who always argue that they're the better one.

There's one person I know who doesn't know one damn bit that he's lucky to even have "FRIENDS". He takes all of us for granted.

He's lazy. Yeah, everyone's lazy, but this guy is even worse. I have never met anyone so obnoxiously prideful in my entire life.

He's part of this certain group in their class, and they're tasked with something (to further mask his sorry ass I will not give full details). One small small SMALL mistake (if it even IS a mistake) from their group and he DOES NOT HELP at all. One slight imperfection and he won't lift one finger to help. Apart from this, he takes it out on all of them and refuses to help when he's in a bad mood. WTF kind of attitude is this? When you're WORKING, ya don't bring PERSONAL problems into it. It's WORK for crying out loud!

Oh this isn't the first time we as his "friends" complained. Yes, I DID tell him how I feel once, but it had no effect. Everyone in the group agrees that he's got attitude problems.

And just a trivia. At the time where I first told him how I felt, he said "you don't know anything so don't talk like you do.."

Who the fuck CARES if you have a reason? No matter what the reason, if you end up taking it out on your friends when they've got absolutely nothing to do with it, it's fucked up. If you've got family problems or whatever problems that don't involve friends or other people, don't take it out on them. Maybe it gives you a reason but it never gives you the RIGHT. How would you feel if someone who had problems started taking it out on you, and you never did a thing? How would you feel if he started insulting you and swearing at you for your tiny mistakes, when you know he's not any better? Would you really let that slide?

I'm not saying I'm perfect. I'm not saying I haven't made the mistake of taking my anger out on others. But when I'm corrected, I make the effort to listen. That I can say for sure. I may not be able to do it right away, but when there are times like EVERYONE is telling me the same thing about myself, then I have to listen. I have to humble myself because it's hurting my friends; and most importantly, it's for my own good. In fact, I truly appreciate friends who take the time to tell me my bad sides, because it gives way for improvement.

Yes, I want to confront this person AGAIN. I don't care if I'm going to "lose". I admit I am no good at defending or debating or whatever the hell it's called, but neither am I gonna just sit on my ass doing squat.

And yes, this is a vent post. VENT! VENT!!! Gah damn.


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