
You and Me, Sephiroth!!

So, have you ever tried winning the craziest one-on-one battle in Kingdom Hearts 2? Hehe. Well if you haven't and you want to, I got a few tips to give (though there are a lot of people who give tips. I'll do it anyway xD I got nothing better to do~)

note: these tips are for challengers below level 65!!

First things first, you'll need...

+The skills Once More, High Jump LV 2+, Leaf Bracer, Aerial Recovery, a finishing move, Guard, and Counterguard. (If you're chose to prioritize offense then most likely you won't
have Second Chance and Aerial Dodge yet, but don't worry about that.)
+Reflega and Curaga magic spells
+A good number of Elixir. Having ether is good too if you don't wanna squander your elixir.
+In customization, assign buttons for Reflega, Curaga, Elixer and Ether if you have em.
+Equip a long keyblade. Sleeping Lion is good if you don't have the Ultima Weapon...You can also go for Decisive Pumpkin, but it's not as long as Sleeping Lion.

During Battle

One tip before anything else--it helps if you lock on at sephiroth at all times. Why? Well so you won't have trouble looking for him, and the camera automatically adjusts to a comfortable position.

Okay, so here we go. First thing Sephiroth's gonna do is do some crazy attack that'll reduce your HP to 1 if you don't block it. Luckily there's a reaction command. Hit triangle as soon as Sephiroth prepares to execute this attack. He'll be doing this a few times in the battle; you'll know if the screen darkens and he says "that's enough". When that happens, hit triangle button immediately or you're as good as dead.

Anyway, Sephiroth is still taking it easy in the beginning of your fight. You're gonna have to look out for his slashing combo. I tell you do NOT get hit by it, it's not gonna be pretty. Running's not gonna help, and certainly not jumping. So what you should do is guard his attacks (time it right!), and hit the x button for a counterguard. This interrupts his combo, giving you the chance for an attack.

He's got another attack where he teleports right beside you and hits you into the air. When that happens immediately use Aerial Recovery and attack him once he teleports back out. Be careful! When you both land back on the ground start attacking him again, or he'll be doing another combo. If that does happen just stay calm and try to use guard.

Once you've finished up four and a half health bars, he'll say something like "know your place", and his next attack is, he'll summon these dark spheres that surround you. If you don't get rid of them they'll close in on you and do some damage. One reflega can push em all away at once. Of course, if Sephiroth summons more spheres just use relfega again. Watch out though! These spheres can block your view and that'll leave you vulnerable. That's also why I told you to lock on Seph at all times, so you can at least check his location.

He's also got this counter attack where he summons pillars of fire. Don't even attempt to do reflega, I don't think it's such a good idea (which is why I never tried it). Just run away, and keep running coz the pillars kind of pull you in.
And then there's an attack where he goes real high up in mid-air and says "descend...heartless...angel". It's a nasty attack that reduces your MP to 0 and your HP to 1. What you should do is run to him, do a high jump and attack. This is why I told you to equip a long keyblade--so you'll reach him. However, if you don't make it in time, just use an elixir and you'll be as good as new.

Once you've finished up more than half or so of his life bars, he'll start to glow. He'll summon more spheres in this condition, and he'll be faster and more annoying. If he's far away he'll sort of dash towards you and do a slash, followed by an irritating combo. I suggest using guard, just time it right and make sure you face the right direction! Counterguard won't be necessary as he'll teleport away if you block his attack. Just keep your eyes peeled and your reactions sharpened.

Then there's this nasty attack where he summons meteors from the sky and fall on the ground. Don't try to go up and hit him because you can't. Now, sorry to say you really will obtain some damage at this point, because there's no way to completely avoid the meteors. Just keep jumping and jumping, and when you get hit use aerial recovery (assuming you're in mid-air) and keep jumping.
(note: if you got a better idea for this I'm all ears, since I never found a better strategy).

And there you have it. Just keep repeating the process til you finally bring him down. Note that he can only be defeated by using a finishing move, even if he has only one HP left. Once you've won you'll get the super-cool keyblade Fenrir.

note: if I missed anything feel free to tell me about it.

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