
Rant Rant Rant

Wei! I'm currently watching Season 2 of Hana Yori Dango (I just got hooked to watching dramas recently). Well firstly lemme say HYD isn't exactly all about romance, it's more on drama itself :D but it's pretty interesting and all. I was kinda touched how Tsukushi tried to catch up with the jet plane at the end of season 1, and I was uber shocked when that old witch of a mother of Tsukasa's actually ordered the plane to stop. Lol though when it came to the part where Tsukasa and Tsukushi were talking, it woulda been cuter if Tsukushi finished her sentence by saying "I fell in love with an idiot" or something along those lines. Wahaha~

Season 2 is a real shocker actually. Tsukasa really disappointed me the way he acted towards Tsukushi. Make things worse I didn't get why he acted that way either (either I missed the reason or Tsukasa really is a jerk). Moreover, I was kinda turned off at how...should I say, "crazy" Tsukasa became after all the things that happened. To further complicate things, Rui finally "confessed" (sort of) his feelings to Tsukushi and he even kissed her! :O But obviously Tsukasa found out and was steaming angry. Honestly what right does he have to be angry anyway?! Rui has a point, Tsukasa gave her the cold shoulder for an entire year, and acted like a real ass when she went all the way to New York to see him. Yeah yeah he's engaged to someone he doesn't like and he's annoyed with it but he should have been downright honest from the very start! I understand the situation he's in but honestly he doesn't have to be a jerk. Not just that but he takes out his anger on bystanders (*cough* talking about a portion in episode 5 or so). Worse yet poor Akira, Sojirou and Rui are cleaning up whatever mess HE makes. He's even a jerk towards his own friends! *grumble*...He should actually be thankful that he has friends like them.

To be blunt I actually like the idea of Rui and Tsukushi being together. I mean why not? He was always there for her, and he always comforted her whenever she felt down. *sigh* but I don't like how things are going between Tsukasa and Tsukushi either. I don't want things to go on the way they are (-is currently in episode 5) but I'm getting TIRED of Tsukasa. Honestly.

HAH!! There we go. I just HAD to rant it out somewhere :)) LOL...Dramas sure can make people like me (whatever that might mean) act "weird" (note the quotation marks please~)

Enough of this ranting. Time to continue watching HYD~!

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