
MVC3 roster blues

So yeah, if you're a fan of fighting games, you probably know about Marvel vs. Capcom 3...And all the fires and flames about the character roster.

I just wished people would realize one thing - Capcom and Marvel cannot entertain all the wants or needs of each and every gamer. People will always have their own opinions about the characters.

That doesn't mean however that I don't have any complaints myself. I mean...Tron Bonne for Megaman X? WTF? Why on earth is SHE in it and my hero isn't... At least Zero's in it though but cmon, I want Megaman X...The only thing that boggles my mind is why they are excluding what people would see as the "cool" characters and putting in rather less preferred characters...

I'm also seeing some pretty hardcore characters - first on my mind is Wesker. Yeah, he's cool, super strong and all...but that's the PROBLEM. I'm pretty worried that he's actually too strong, and tuning him down might cause a lot of complaints from fans. People could say shiz like "this guy's too strong" or "why the F did they make him weaker?"...Just a random thought though.

Another comment. I'm pretty glad that Capcom and Marvel knew which characters NOT to exclude: namely Ryu and Wolverine. These two are like posterboys for the game itself (at least, that's what I think - there hasn't been an MVC game without these guys).

That aside, I do have high hopes for the character roster. I'm hoping they'll add more [coughcoughBETTERcoughcough] characters. That way even if the less liked ones are there at least people will be satisfied with the other characters.

Random thoughts aye. :/

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